The Global Angel Wings Project:
I got interested in this project after I ran into a pair of these wings at O’Hare Airport. I think the idea is just phenomenal and so catchy. A great concept for interactive street art and something I could potentially appropriate into Karachi? God knows that place needs some angels!
The Fearless Collective
The fearless collective has actually interested me for a long time. Ever since I saw Shilo Shiv Suleman’s TED talk about magical realism and surrealism and how technology and art are intertwined, one does not obliterate the other. The fearless collective resonates with me because it is especially geared towards emancipation of women, which has been the direction of my own humanitarian work as well. There are so many projects conducted under this banner, and the interactive public art displays are the most engaging and astounding. It is just a source of inspiration for me.
Key to the City
The narrative that this project weaves really hits home. It is like discovering a city which is exactly what I want the people of Karachi to do for it as well. Re-see it, in a new light. But I don’t know how this particular concept could be used there. Have to think more about that.
I will keep adding community project inspiration here as I stumble upon it.