Tag: art

Expanding my horizons

I love Jeddah, I sincerely do. It’s been the place where I discovered my own strength and independence, and it has become home for me. So it hurts when I admit this, but arts and culture are severely impeded here. That is not to say that there is nothing artistic or cultural happening here, there is! There are numerous art galleries, art classes, bazaars and one-off music/film/comic conventions taking place. They just aren’t advertised so as to be accessible to all, since freedom of speech and behavior is slightly restricted here, and people don’t want to get on the wrong …

Make a snazzy abstract painting in 3 easy steps!

There is a certain charm to putting up abstract paintings around your house. It definitely lends an air of sophistication and makes the house feel more complete and stylish. Plus, it can be a great way to decorate the walls in a contrasting or matching color scheme to the room! But of course, how many of us actually manage find the right abstract in the right budget? So our walls stay empty. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With these 3 easy steps you can DIY! You can make a neat abstract painting on canvas with an irresistible …

Grand Finale

This saturday was the last day of the Artprenticeship summer camp. The last day my house would be full of overjoyed toddlers, begging me to read them a book and joining me as I turned my lounge into a paint playground. I was so sorry to see them go that I took bunches and bunches of pictures till the little ones started to find my camera intriguing, “What is that?” “What does it do?” “Why are you taking so many pictures?” Anyway, take pictures I did, so that I could remember that saturday morning we all spent with artists tape …

Early morning Paper doll Craft!

Dealing with one toddler can be pretty crazy. Bring two toddlers into the equation and the craziness multiplies exponentially. You see, two toddlers swear to always have each other’s back. So just as you heave a sigh of relief after putting the second one down to bed, the first one’s eyes snap open. They take their duties very, very seriously. That’s exactly what happened this morning. Rayyan stayed up late, while Manahil was conked out at 8 P.M. So obviously, he slept in late, while she woke up early. Perfectly synchronized. And what’s more, Manahil woke up and made the …

Art Sparked Hope

“I want to be a teacher,” she said. And in the neatness of her braid, the primness of her posture, the clarity of her speech, you could tell she wanted to be a teacher. Every child I met that day, had such hopes and aspirations for their future. They, who would probably leave this room and wander the streets till dusk, braving dangers I could never imagine, never having a home to return to because their parents needed to work every single minute of the day simply for them to survive. Children are so alive with hope, a stethoscope around …