A significant part of my project proposal has been stepping out of my comfort zone to see if there were any artistic avenues in Jeddah — contrary to popular opinion. Looking at my old blog posts I realize I can date it back to that day at Arbab al Heraf. That day two things coincidentally came to my attention: I realized that, hidden in the nooks and crannies of Jeddah, circles of writers and artists bloomed Jeddah, and KSA as a whole, was undergoing a mini-cultural revolution Thus began an exploration that has gained momentum over this last year, almost too …
Tag: abstract
The Indie Arts and Crafts Show and my first magazine feature!
This summer I was part of one of the largest arts and crafts shows hosted in Karachi by The Crafter’s guild: The Indie Arts and Crafts Show. It was a great opportunity to not only exhibit/sell work but also to meet other artists. It was absolutely incredible to see so much talent and get to befriend people with similar interests. Here are some pictures from the show; it also resulted in me getting featured in a magazine for the first time. Indie Art & Craft Show 2018 The most interesting part of the whole thing were the conversations I had …
The Untold Edition — BTS
This project has consumed the last few months of my creative energy. So much work has gone into conceptualizing and executing it that it is difficult for me to even pen it down. I am literally answering emails and in meetings at all hours trying to set things up with collaborators and coordinate with team members and participants, approving and creating graphics, getting stuff printed and god knows what else. It has literally been so much work that last week I reached the point where I asked myself the question we often ask in the middle of a painting that …
Skype Session 18 recap! and the research paper email
The term began again last week, and may I just say, it began with a bang. The research paper was upon us! So last week’s Skype session Jonathan walked us through a document he would email later about what the research paper is and how to tackle it. I’m just adding the document here so I can access it easily later. research paper EXTENDED briefing with examples There was a lot of information, and I think I will digest it overtime. I like to think in steps because it helps me avoid getting overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is …
Diving or Sinking
My latest artists case study was Karina Llergo. I saw her work online some time ago and spent many days simply staring at it, mesmerized. It took a while for the paintings to sink in and connect themselves to the jigsaw puzzle that is my MA project. I wrote a blog about her work just now and now I want to talk about the painting I completed today that sprang from my analysis of her work. You could say that the following painting is an amalgamation of all the experiments and secondary research I have done thus far. It does …