Hello reader. The blog admittedly has been quite forlorn of late, and there are many reasons for that, but the most relevant and important reason is that I have been possessed. Yes, possessed with an urge to finally create the Iridescent Alloy I have been dreaming of this whole time. Do you know the feeling, when you know exactly what you want to make, and your fingers are itching to make it so much that you can barely wait for each layer to dry let alone sit and write a coherent thought on the blog? I aimed to create what …
Low Res Day 2 — Group Tutorial Presentation
Research Discussion video, 7th February 2019
Disclaimer: It was challenging to fit so much organic growth and so many thought processes into one video, so I just want to apologize for oversimplifying some explanations. I hope that this gives you guys a good insight into where I am headed with my practice, and I look forward to your feedback. Most of all, I hope I didn’t speak too fast :p Also, the quote at the end is by Brandon Sanderson, forgot to credit that.
The Untold Edition — #KolachiSaiKarachiTak
This blogpost has been waiting in drafts for a long time. Because I simply don’t have the words to describe this event. Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin describing HOW it happened let alone WHAT ultimately happened. But let me try. So, my repeated efforts to draw art for a humanitarian cause into the public sphere had been attracting attention and I had this feeling that if I could somehow design a tour of Karachi, open, free of cost, to artists and bloggers of note (to be selected via an application process) where we could traverse the length …
The Untold Edition — with Kiran Foundation
Oh what a rocky road this one was. Right after my events in June, I got a call from someone well known in the NGO circles, Ms. Sabina Khatri, founder of the Kiran Foundation which aids abused women and children from underprivileged sectors; guiding them and helping them get back on their feet via education. She wanted to work with me to do an art project that involved her students. She had some really lofty ideas with which I was onboard and we began our planning phase. I have this small fear that being #unconditionallygenerous will allow people to use …