The blog has definitely been an important component of reflecting on and then proceeding with my artistic journey. But I usually turn to the blog when something definitive happens, after giving it thought. I don’t usually litter it with the random thoughts and inspirations that occur in daily life. And I think those are an important part of the process too! So, with that in mind, you could say my social media pages are like little sub-blogs. And often times, I use them to record bits and pieces of the journey that help me write down proper blogposts later in greater detail.
These are all screenshots from Instagram, but my Facebook is the same. One of the most important lessons I learnt about social media was to repurpose content. If I want to be the kind of person who actually goes out and DOES things rather than just be on social media all the time, repurposing content is clutch.
I also feel like I’m getting better at social media (if that’s a thing at all haha). What I mean is, the more I post the more I realize what kind of posts people like to read, and how to bait the reader (yup. harsh realities), without compromising the core of my message. So the more I work on it, the more I find the balance between saying what I need to say and writing what others want to read.
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