Sometimes I just write blogposts in my head. Seriously. I’ll be doing something substantial and a whole blogpost will form in my head and I will totally forget that I never actually wrote it down. I underestimated the amount of discipline a reflective journal would require!
So, in order to prove that I have not abandoned ye, I am back to give a little update on what I have been up to so far in this self-study break:
- Planning The Untold Edition: Now this is a massive undertaking. There are sponsors to find, galleries to book, artists to involve. Slowly but surely, I feel I am getting there. I have convinced myself not to feel majorly disappointed if things do not pan out as intended because it’s always worth trying to do a new thing!
- Creating a digital installation: this one is extremely tricky. I have always been a big fan of fancy digital installations and I am acutely aware of my own shortcomings digitally which prevent me from creating one of my own. So I have come up with a fun but highly simple idea that will allow me to make an interactive installation. I do need a coder on my side though because damn this c# script is confusing! I am also trying to learn unity3d as I go.
- Mosaic work in studio: I have finally developed my idea about the kind of art that blurs 2D and 3D and I have made two pieces so far.
- AlifKalimah: I know we are supposed to be focusing on art but for me, art IS storytelling. And writing is an important part of storytelling. So, I have joined a writers group called AlifKalimah who are basically a support group to encourage each other to finish their manuscripts. I have about forty unfinished manuscripts and I can’t even decide which one to finish, so I was basically a hopeless case when I joined them. But now I feel I am finding direction.
So that’s all folks. I promise that by this weekend I will have created individual blogs on all the different things I have done and reflected upon. Adios!