Tag: UAL

Notes on– Action Research Methodology for Artists

Lecture by course leader Jonathan Kearney Date: October 17, 2017 The lecture began with an intro from Cecilia Graham about the student’s union. Here are a few of the things she said that I felt were interesting and would like to check out further: Made in arts london: It promotes and sells the art made UAL students and alumni (how cool is that? :D) Student Initiative Fund: To fund extra curricular engagements organized by students Further info to all can be found at www.arts-su.com or by emailing Cecilia Graham at c.graham@su.arts.ac.uk Jonathan began the lecture by describing the difference between …


The course, and subsequently, my thoughts have suddenly picked up pace this week. Which means that there are quite a few blogposts pending. But before I jump into all the things that need to be said, done and reflected upon, I want to take this blogpost to simply pause. Yesterday we continued Symposium 1 and our course leader, Jonathan, mentioned that our classmate Steph’s categorization of her blog was worth looking over to give us a sense of organization and direction. Steph described using the Gibb’s model for her reflective journal and dividing her MA journal into clear categories. It …