Author: Kehkashan K

Day Three

I know things normally begin from day 1. But you see, I already spent day 1 and day 2 confounded with disbelief. Let me explain. 9 years ago (gosh I feel old!) every thing I had ever worked towards basically went to hell. Our lovely cultural mindsets, an inexplainable lack of finances and a completely unforeseen disaster (in the shape of breast cancer afflicting my mom), systematically broke down every step I had taken towards my dreams in the first 18 years of my life. At that point, I guess I could have taken a step back, evaluated the situation …

Keeping it clean

So yesterday I received this message on my facebook page: “Tell me how to keep a kids room clean.. living in Karachi everything gets so dirty.. how to maintain cleanliness? Any tips?” And I thought to myself, while it does seem like an impossible task, I have noticed that ever since I organized my kids’ room better, it does a pretty good job keeping itself clean! So how did it come about? 1. Keep furniture to a minimum: Furniture gathers dust. If you can minimize it and find more effective storage spaces, your work will be halved. For example, the bedsheets …

It’s not your fault, mom

Yesterday I was racked with guilt. Yesterday, my son woke up from his nap before I had a chance to pick my daughter up from school. Since time was short, I trundled him into the car with me. Of course, the short trip turned into the stuff nightmares are made of. The kids bickered and kicked and cried. They fought over the cupcake my daughter had made in school and didn’t want to share. They took everything out of her school bag and threw it around in the taxi. By the time we reached our apartment building, I was a …

Here’s how to get a designer nursery on a budget!

When we moved to Jeddah over two years ago, and began to set up our very first house, I was addicted to flipping through google images and furniture catalogues trying to imagine how I would decorate my home. It seemed so easy at first, you pick a little of this, you contrast with a little of that and voila! You have home decor couture on your hands. But, when it came down to it, it really wasn’t that simple. There was a “budget”. Probably the last word you want to hear as you head out for home shopping. And so, …

Make a snazzy abstract painting in 3 easy steps!

There is a certain charm to putting up abstract paintings around your house. It definitely lends an air of sophistication and makes the house feel more complete and stylish. Plus, it can be a great way to decorate the walls in a contrasting or matching color scheme to the room! But of course, how many of us actually manage find the right abstract in the right budget? So our walls stay empty. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With these 3 easy steps you can DIY! You can make a neat abstract painting on canvas with an irresistible …