Tag: videos

Tutorial 2!

Tutorial 2!

Date: 23rd January 2018 with Jonathan Kearney This is long overdue! Chicago has been keeping me busy with its biting winter winds and tons and tons of random moments of artistic inspiration. But, finally, I am getting around to writing this (compulsory!) blogpost. Upon reflection, this tutorial was so vastly different from the previous one. In the previous one I stepped in uncertain and after the discussion, came out with so much clarity and direction. At the beginning of this tutorial I was more excited. I was bursting with ideas, but by the end I had discovered multiple new perspectives …

Skype Session 6 Recap

Just skipped right over Skype Session 5, mainly because it was about the E-Library and I have yet to go through the live streaming video (I missed a part of it) and I don’t want to lag behind because of one missed video. So yes, onwards to Skype Session 6! Date: Tuesday, Nov 7th 2017 Guest Speakers: Donald Takguy and Terry Quinn Both of these artists were UAL alumni. We started the session off by meeting Donald, who began the MA as a filmmaker and during the MA focused on making simple abstract films. The idea behind these films would …