I wrote a while back about how I was delving into figuring out arduinos, their coding and combining them with voice recognition to create an installation. The idea was to hook up a VR to an arduino and the arduino to processing to play an animation everytime someone used specific words. Well, I managed to write the codes and create the animation BUT I misunderstood one key fact. The hardware I was using was designed to recognize only one voice. So now my interactive digital installation is missing the interactive part since it won’t interact with anyone but me! What …
Tag: stop motion
The Coding Conundrum
There are so many things I thought I’d do that I still haven’t done: Writing blogposts on all the lectures that have been posted so far Getting around to some art related reading material — still sorely lacking Among other things. But, other than the fact that I am swamped with work trying to pull of my public art project, I have been irrevocably stuck on the digital installation I wrote about earlier. I tried to keep the project simple, but it does require coding. And, for someone like me, who is absolutely new to it, it can be quite …