The other day a blogger reached out to me. She wanted to interview me for her online magazine. More than just a chance to be featured, it was a great opportunity to reflect on my own work and what I was trying to say. The interview is linked below 🙂 Kehkashan Khalid- In the spotlight
Tag: motherhood
Poldark and reading lists
I know. I know. It’s just so unbelievably tempting to waste time once the kids are asleep! And come on, Poldark is simply brilliant; the way it immerses you in a completely alternate world. Come on, watching inspirational, artistic period dramas has got to count for something? XD But, I did get one concrete thing done. I’ve been scouring the internet to create my own list of books I’d like to read this first year as I develop my ideas and my art further. Here they are: Letters to Theo by Vincent Van Gogh The Principles of Art History: the …
It’s not your fault, mom
Yesterday I was racked with guilt. Yesterday, my son woke up from his nap before I had a chance to pick my daughter up from school. Since time was short, I trundled him into the car with me. Of course, the short trip turned into the stuff nightmares are made of. The kids bickered and kicked and cried. They fought over the cupcake my daughter had made in school and didn’t want to share. They took everything out of her school bag and threw it around in the taxi. By the time we reached our apartment building, I was a …
Live. Learn. Grow

Being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) is one of the most rewarding experiences. But let’s be real, being a SAHM is also a huge sacrifice. Sometime back I was at the mall, introducing myself to the mothers of Manahil’s school friends and they were all so supremely talented! Gynecologists, engineers, business administrators, (artist!) you name it! And they were all putting their ambition and hard work aside and using their talent and intelligence to raise a first class next generation, which is a very noble thing of course! But you have to admit, that sometimes, in the midst of dirty diapers and …
Artprenticeship Day One — Cosmic Sun Catchers
Children await summer vacations as joyfully as mothers dread them. Three long months of two toddlers lolling around the house the whole day, picking fights out of boredom is quite a frightening prospect. So, I thought to myself, what can be done? I could potentially send them to a summer camp, but then, they’re only going to be toddlers once. They’ve already spent every morning of the whole year at school and now is my chance to spend time with them before they outgrow their cuddly selves. But I do require some form of constructive entertainment or we’ll end up …