Hello reader. The blog admittedly has been quite forlorn of late, and there are many reasons for that, but the most relevant and important reason is that I have been possessed. Yes, possessed with an urge to finally create the Iridescent Alloy I have been dreaming of this whole time. Do you know the feeling, when you know exactly what you want to make, and your fingers are itching to make it so much that you can barely wait for each layer to dry let alone sit and write a coherent thought on the blog? I aimed to create what …
Tag: landscapes
Experiment # 1: I capture the desert
I haven’t concretely written down my project proposal yet, but brainstorming and some research has yielded the following answers about what I am seem to be seeking: I want to build simultaneous narratives to explore the ‘slice of life’ story of an absent protagonist. I want my art to reflect the ‘stream of consciousness’ or ongoing story in the inner mind’. I want to unlock the narrative potential of everyday objects and materials, and their embedded cultural associations. I am inspired by the ongoing dialogue between art and the audience in this digital era, and the potential of the audience …
Notes on– Action Research Methodology for Artists
Lecture by course leader Jonathan Kearney Date: October 17, 2017 The lecture began with an intro from Cecilia Graham about the student’s union. Here are a few of the things she said that I felt were interesting and would like to check out further: Made in arts london: It promotes and sells the art made UAL students and alumni (how cool is that? :D) Student Initiative Fund: To fund extra curricular engagements organized by students Further info to all can be found at www.arts-su.com or by emailing Cecilia Graham at c.graham@su.arts.ac.uk Jonathan began the lecture by describing the difference between …
Poldark and reading lists
I know. I know. It’s just so unbelievably tempting to waste time once the kids are asleep! And come on, Poldark is simply brilliant; the way it immerses you in a completely alternate world. Come on, watching inspirational, artistic period dramas has got to count for something? XD But, I did get one concrete thing done. I’ve been scouring the internet to create my own list of books I’d like to read this first year as I develop my ideas and my art further. Here they are: Letters to Theo by Vincent Van Gogh The Principles of Art History: the …
Grand Finale
This saturday was the last day of the Artprenticeship summer camp. The last day my house would be full of overjoyed toddlers, begging me to read them a book and joining me as I turned my lounge into a paint playground. I was so sorry to see them go that I took bunches and bunches of pictures till the little ones started to find my camera intriguing, “What is that?” “What does it do?” “Why are you taking so many pictures?” Anyway, take pictures I did, so that I could remember that saturday morning we all spent with artists tape …