It is my personal belief that art requires an audience. If art means something to somebody then I believe it has fulfilled its purpose. It may inspire, repel or cause controversy but it will evoke something in someone. Put like that, one could say art may be incomplete without an audience? What if we view that thought literally? Interactive digital installations seek to make the audience part of the art itself. They unfold like a performance. They create connections. I always imagine interacting with a digital installation as taking part in a dream. Something unreal is taking place and the …
Tag: building stories
Tutorial 1
Date: 1st November Professor: Jonathan Kearney This was how I felt before the tutorial. And this is me after: Seriously. It was as if I held unsolved jigsaw puzzle pieces in my head that somehow came together over the course of the conversation. The morning before the tutorial began, I was thinking abstractly about all the concepts which were important to me. I had read the pdf file on writing a project proposal but I wasn’t quite ready to formulate my own. All I knew was: I am interested in story telling I guessed that that categorized my work as …