It is my personal belief that art requires an audience. If art means something to somebody then I believe it has fulfilled its purpose. It may inspire, repel or cause controversy but it will evoke something in someone. Put like that, one could say art may be incomplete without an audience? What if we view that thought literally? Interactive digital installations seek to make the audience part of the art itself. They unfold like a performance. They create connections. I always imagine interacting with a digital installation as taking part in a dream. Something unreal is taking place and the …
Tag: building narratives
Baby Steps…
Everyday I have been taking concrete steps towards realizing my final MA project. Yet, it all exists in my mind like one giant amorphous cloud and the thought of writing it down and giving it shape and form simply terrifies me! But it’s gotta be done right? So I’ve decided to take some time out everyday to pen down some thoughts to provide more clarity, slowly and gradually, till I see a project proposal forming. So here’s today’s haul:
Notes on– Action Research Methodology for Artists
Lecture by course leader Jonathan Kearney Date: October 17, 2017 The lecture began with an intro from Cecilia Graham about the student’s union. Here are a few of the things she said that I felt were interesting and would like to check out further: Made in arts london: It promotes and sells the art made UAL students and alumni (how cool is that? :D) Student Initiative Fund: To fund extra curricular engagements organized by students Further info to all can be found at or by emailing Cecilia Graham at Jonathan began the lecture by describing the difference between …