“I want to be a teacher,” she said. And in the neatness of her braid, the primness of her posture, the clarity of her speech, you could tell she wanted to be a teacher. Every child I met that day, had such hopes and aspirations for their future. They, who would probably leave this room and wander the streets till dusk, braving dangers I could never imagine, never having a home to return to because their parents needed to work every single minute of the day simply for them to survive. Children are so alive with hope, a stethoscope around …
Category: General
the general everyday blog entries
Live. Learn. Grow
Being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) is one of the most rewarding experiences. But let’s be real, being a SAHM is also a huge sacrifice. Sometime back I was at the mall, introducing myself to the mothers of Manahil’s school friends and they were all so supremely talented! Gynecologists, engineers, business administrators, (artist!) you name it! And they were all putting their ambition and hard work aside and using their talent and intelligence to raise a first class next generation, which is a very noble thing of course! But you have to admit, that sometimes, in the midst of dirty diapers and …
The Day I found out ‘Why’
Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” Sad as it is to acknowledge, the latter doesn’t happen for most of us till we are well into our lives. I, for example, was so focused on excelling in my studies during my childhood that story-telling was relegated to small, hastily stolen pockets of time. It never occurred to me as I sped along the racetrack with all my peers, blinders on, that perhaps I was meant to be plowing through an entirely different field. …