Tag: artists

Skype Session 18 recap! and the research paper email

The term began again last week, and may I just say, it began with a bang. The research paper was upon us! So last week’s Skype session Jonathan walked us through a document he would email later about what the research paper is and how to tackle it. I’m just adding the document here so I can access it easily later. research paper EXTENDED briefing with examples There was a lot of information, and I think I will digest it overtime. I like to think in steps because it helps me avoid getting overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is …

Artisans of Love

Artisans of Love

During my first ever tutorial, when art in Jeddah felt like a haze I was unable to penetrate, I talked to Jonathan about an art cafe I had discovered called Arbab al Heraf. It inspired a wonderful, artsy, curious discussion with wonderful, artsy, curious people and, you could say, it was the springboard for me exploring and understanding art in Jeddah. One of the things that emerged from that discussion was the idea that I could set up interviews with celebrated local artists. The stories that emerged would be a piece of narrative art in and of itself. Finally that …

The Day of Lists

The Day of Lists

Ah, Jonathan was right! This blog has the ability to just grow and grow in the sneakiest of ways! Like mushrooms! I mean it becomes like a juggling act between doing and writing. The doing comes more naturally and happens faster, leading the writing to lag and become a thing that happens more in the head than on the blog. Until one fine day you have a gigantic list of the writings that need to urgently be completed while the doings keep prodding you and saying, ‘hey focus on us, focus on us’. So, today will be the day of …

The Art Institute of Chicago

The Chicago trip… what can I say? It was a medley of moments; distressing, uplifting, thrilling and overwhelming all in turn. I’m still working on completing the visual journal and then will post details of the whole experience. For now, let me write this blogpost on the highlight of the whole trip: a visit to the Art Institute of Chicago. Can you see the stars shining in my eyes as I say this? Where do I begin? Walking into the Art Institute of Chicago is like walking into a miniature replica of this world where every room leads you to …

Baby Steps…

Everyday I have been taking concrete steps towards realizing my final MA project. Yet, it all exists in my mind like one giant amorphous cloud and the thought of writing it down and giving it shape and form simply terrifies me! But it’s gotta be done right? So I’ve decided to take some time out everyday to pen down some thoughts to provide more clarity, slowly and gradually, till I see a project proposal forming. So here’s today’s haul: