There are so many things I thought I’d do that I still haven’t done: Writing blogposts on all the lectures that have been posted so far Getting around to some art related reading material — still sorely lacking Among other things. But, other than the fact that I am swamped with work trying to pull of my public art project, I have been irrevocably stuck on the digital installation I wrote about earlier. I tried to keep the project simple, but it does require coding. And, for someone like me, who is absolutely new to it, it can be quite …
Tag: karachi
The Untold Edition– Small Update

One of the outcomes I had in mind for my MA project was a public art project that allows weaving together the narrative of a city full of people. I researched a bunch of projects and finally settled on my own idea inspired by little bits of all of them. I call this project ‘The Untold Edition”. The Untold Edition is underway for the month of July. I will be flying to Karachi to conduct it. Prior to that, I will be in Jeddah so a bunch of planning needs to be accomplished before I finally get there. So what …
Project Proposal — First Draft

Wow, finally put the pen to paper and let my thoughts flow. It has loads of holes as of now, but it’s a start! And like Jonathan said, it’s a living, evolving document so it doesn’t have to be perfect right off the bat. Right? :S MA project proposal
Art Sparked Hope
“I want to be a teacher,” she said. And in the neatness of her braid, the primness of her posture, the clarity of her speech, you could tell she wanted to be a teacher. Every child I met that day, had such hopes and aspirations for their future. They, who would probably leave this room and wander the streets till dusk, braving dangers I could never imagine, never having a home to return to because their parents needed to work every single minute of the day simply for them to survive. Children are so alive with hope, a stethoscope around …