Category: UNIT 1

A category under which all the blogs I wrote during Unit 1 of the MA can be found.

Mid Point Review Presentation

Mid Point Review Presentation

When I began this program I knew I wanted to explore contemporary narrative art, inspired by the writings of Katherine Mansfield. She wrote short stories focusing not on the traditional “monomyth” but on the stories of the inner mind, or the stream of consciousness. A more meandering form of storytelling but, in my opinion, one more truly reflective of the human condition.   I also knew that I wanted to continue working on public art projects. The interaction between art and its audience is of particular significance to me. I feel that the full implications of an artwork are only …

The Untold Edition– Small Update

The Untold Edition– Small Update

One of the outcomes I had in mind for my MA project was a public art project that allows weaving together the narrative of a city full of people. I researched a bunch of projects and finally settled on my own idea inspired by little bits of all of them. I call this project ‘The Untold Edition”. The Untold Edition is underway for the month of July. I will be flying to Karachi to conduct it. Prior to that, I will be in Jeddah so a bunch of planning needs to be accomplished before I finally get there. So what …

Artisans of Love

Artisans of Love

During my first ever tutorial, when art in Jeddah felt like a haze I was unable to penetrate, I talked to Jonathan about an art cafe I had discovered called Arbab al Heraf. It inspired a wonderful, artsy, curious discussion with wonderful, artsy, curious people and, you could say, it was the springboard for me exploring and understanding art in Jeddah. One of the things that emerged from that discussion was the idea that I could set up interviews with celebrated local artists. The stories that emerged would be a piece of narrative art in and of itself. Finally that …

Diving or Sinking

My latest artists case study was Karina Llergo. I saw her work online some time ago and spent many days simply staring at it, mesmerized. It took a while for the paintings to sink in and connect themselves to the jigsaw puzzle that is my MA project. I wrote a blog about her work just now and now I want to talk about the painting I completed today that sprang from my analysis of her work. You could say that the following painting is an amalgamation of all the experiments and secondary research I have done thus far. It does …