Category: Research Paper

Steps taken to write the research paper, as well as the final research paper itself.

Research paper — Brainstorming part 1

This blog will literally flow directly onto the screen from my mind so it may not contain very many coherent thoughts, but hopefully, it will allow me to make some sense of the ideas I have for my research paper topic.   Researching Robert Rauschenberg, I stumbled onto Marcel Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’. He created this piece under the pseudonym ‘R. Mutt’, an almost comical and unrealistic name, and submitted it to the gallery board that he himself was part of. What was the Fountain? A urinal. Yes. You heard right. Marcel Duchamp purchased an ordinary urinal, signed it and submitted it …

Skype Session 18 recap! and the research paper email

The term began again last week, and may I just say, it began with a bang. The research paper was upon us! So last week’s Skype session Jonathan walked us through a document he would email later about what the research paper is and how to tackle it. I’m just adding the document here so I can access it easily later. research paper EXTENDED briefing with examples There was a lot of information, and I think I will digest it overtime. I like to think in steps because it helps me avoid getting overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is …